"I asked he said"

1 - His love for you

When your heart it is weary from the load that you bear
When you search for someone a friend who will share
All the cares and the worries of each passing day
Then his love for you, will show you the way

When the nights are lonely the road seems too long
When each turn you take
something always goes wrong
All your hopes for tomorrow they fade without trace
Then his love for you, will be your saving grace

Because his love for you it shines like the sun
It gives strength to your soul till the battle is won
It’s an anchor to cling to against in-rushing tide
It’s the love of a father who is there at your side

When your soul it is weary from praying all day
When things never change no matter what you may say
Then listen to his voice that speaks from within
Then his love for you will help the healing begin

Because his love for you it shines like the sun
It gives strength to your soul till the battle is won
It’s an anchor to cling to against in-rushing tide
It’s the love of a father who is there at your side

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

2 - I will sing forever of your love

(Based on psalm 88)

I will sing forever of your love oh Lord
From mountains high I will proclaim
Your steadfast love has stood the test of time
Oh Lord on high I praise your name

O Lord your love will last forever
Your faithfulness till the end of days
Your kingdom Lord is built on justice
All creation gives you praise

I will sing forever of your love oh Lord
From mountains high I will proclaim
Your steadfast love has stood the test of time
Oh Lord on high praise your name

Happy are those that you have chosen
Who worship now your Majesty
By your strength they are protected
And Lord your mercy they will see

I will sing forever of your love oh Lord
From mountains high I will proclaim
Your steadfast love has stood the test of time
Oh Lord on high I praise your name

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

3 - Bless and be blessed

Walk in God’s love forever
Abide in him each day
Give to him all your heart
Trust him to lead the way

Receive from God his blessing
This gift he longs to give
A steadfast heart forever true
Grace to love and forgive

Bless and be blessed by loving
Rejoice in your heart and believe
The love that God he so freely gives
It’s in giving that we will receive

Have faith in God his mercy
His mercy born of love
A blessing cup that overflows
Poured out on all from above

Pray and God speaks within you
Believe in the power of prayer
Trust in God in all you do
Trust him and know he’s there

Bless and be blessed by loving
Rejoice in your heart and believe
The love that God he so freely gives
It’s in giving that we will receive

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

4 - Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd)

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside quiet waters
He restores my soul he restores my soul
He restores my soul oh my Lord
He guides me in path of righteousness for this name’s sake
Event though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no evil for you are with me
Your rod and your staff they comfort me
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies
You have anointed my head with oil my cup overflows
Surely Goodness and love will follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
He restores my soul he restores my soul
He restores my soul oh my Lord
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside quiet waters
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

The Lord is my Shepherd, M: A. Zohm

5 - I asked He said

I asked for strength … He said lean on me
I asked for hope … He said trust in me
I asked for rest … He said come to me
Come to me now and for eternity

I asked for faith … He said believe in me
I asked for life … He said live in me
I asked for love … He said walk with me
Walk with me now and for eternity

For He is the way the truth and the life
He is the one who makes your burdens light
With open hands He will welcome you
To fulfill your needs makes your dreams come true

I asked for peace … He said turn to me
I asked for prayer … He said speak to me
I asked for Christ … He said I am He
I am He now and for eternity

I asked the way … He said follow me
I asked for joy … He said your joy’s in me
I asked for grace … He said call to me
I’m your friend now and for eternity

For He is the way the truth and the life
He is the one who makes your burdens light
With open hands He will welcome you
To fulfill your need makes your dreams come true

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

6 - Glory be to the Father (Gloria Patri)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son
And to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning is now
And ever shall be words without end

L: Gloria Patri, M: A. Zohm

7 - I see God

I see God in nature
All the flowers growing wild
I see him in the face of every little child
In the mountains that reach to the highest high
I see him in the clouds that gently float by

He is the source, the source of life to me
His hands are upon all the beauty I see
For in all of creation there’s no finer work of art
Then the beauty of nature created with his heart

I see God in the forests, rivers, lakes and streams
I see him in the stars, in every moonbeam
In the oceans that reach to the far distand shore
I see him in everything who could ask for more

He is the source, the source of life to me
His hands are upon all the beauty I see
For in all of creation there’s no finer work of art
Then the beauty of nature created with his heart

I see God in the little things sometimes hard to see
Like the fish in the ocean, the hard working bee
In he creatures that roam on the earth in the sea
I see him in the beauty that is you and me

He is the source, the source of life to me
His hands are upon all the beauty I see
For in all of creation there’s no finer work of art
Then the beauty of nature created with his heart

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

8 - Always keep your dream alive

There’s a voice that calls to some of us
From somewhere deep inside
A voice that will not give us peace
Until at least we’ve tried
To catch that bright elusive star
Though foolish it may seem
To those not driven as we are
To hold on to a dream

Always keep your dream alive
Do what you love to do
Give your best and follow your dream
And keep it coming true

It’s not just thoughts of fame or wealth
That keep us hanging on
When others would have given up
When all but hope is gone
When sometimes even hope grows dim
And casts its faintest beam
We wonder if it’s worth it all
To hold on to a dream

Always keep your dream alive
Do what you love to do
Give your best and follow your dream
And keep it coming true

And then that voice inside of us
That others cannot know
Tells us that our chance will come
The we must not let go
If we can only carry on
Someday our star will gleam
And they’ll know why he had to try
To hold on to our dream

Always keep your dream alive
Do what you love to do
Give your best and follow your dream
And keep it coming true

L: Author unknown/A. Zohm, M: A. Zohm

9 - All these things

Hi smile is the morning sun
His breath the summer breeze
His eyes the stars that sparkle at night
The moonlight shining through the trees

His tears are the rains that fall
His voice the morning bird’s song
His feet the steps that guide our way
Leading us home to where we belong

Oh the sun, the moon and the stars
All in heaven and on earth below
By the touch of his hand the love in his heart
From this all these things did grow

His hands are a comforting touch
His thoughts to heal and forgive
His life on earth was a story of love
The way by which we should live

His love’s like no other love
His mercy deeper than the sea
His heart’s as big as the mountain high
Given freely to you and me

Oh the sun, the moon and the stars
All in heaven and on earth below
By the touch of his hand the love in his heart
From this all these things did grow

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

10 – Until the tears run dry

You ask so many questions
What’s the reason and why
Why it is he loves you
Why he bothers to try

You try and hide your feelings
You run away and hide
But all the time he’s with you
He’s right there at your side

He’s there in the morning sun
He’s there when day is done
He’s there when you laugh
He’s there when you cry
He’s there till the tears run dry

You look for many answers
Searching high and low
Yet he’s there beside you
With all you need to know

You walk through barren deserts
For true love you thirst
You fail to hear him calling
Yet he was with you first

He’s there in the morning sound
He’s there when day is done
He’s there when you laugh
He’s there when you cry
He’s there till the tears run dry

L: B. Sutton, M: A. Zohm

11 – Thanksgiving prayer 

Thank you God for all you’ve done
Thank you for the moon and the sun
Thank you for the stars that shine
Thank you for this peace of mine
For each new morning with its light
For rest and shelter of the night
For health and food
For love and friends
For everything thy Goodness send

L: A. Zohm, M: A. Zohm

12 - The Lord bless you  (4. Mose 6, 24-26)

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord let his face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace

L: 4.Mose 6, 24-26, M: A. Zohm

© Buddy Sutton, Anke Zohm